Posts tagged women
Are Women More Gullible than Men?

Are women more prone to be led astray than men? Is your mother more gullible than your father? Are the women in your family—mum, sisters, grandmothers, aunts--more liable to deception than the men? Are your sisters more prone to be deceived by Satan than your brothers?

 Was Margaret Thatcher more easily led astray by Satan than her husband Dennis? Is President’s Biden’s wife more gullible than he is? Is Amy Coney Barret, Associate Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court, more easily led astray by untruths than her husband?

 We can push the issue to its logical conclusion and ask: If women are more liable to be deceived by lies, are women intellectually and ontologically inferior to men?

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Is There an Obstacle in Your Path?

You facing giant-sized obstacles in your path? It is easy to be discouraged, even hopeless, when we encounter roadblocks. It’s tempting to just quit and give up trusting God. But perhaps if we view these barriers from another perspective, our attitude might change and hope could refresh our drooping spirits. Let’s focus on the perspective that the Bible provides.

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God Makes a Woman a Happy Mother

God is the most exalted person in the universe. In order to “see” the heavens, He has to stoop down to look . Now that is high and exalted, wouldn’t you agree? Yet, despite his exalted status, seated on a throne, the same God stoops low enough to see the lowest of the low in our world. He gets down low enough to care for people who live in the city dumps of the world. Now that is low. But this same God also gives exalted status, even a throne, to another person of low status: a barren woman. God in His humility, transfers a barren woman from her stigmatized position to sit on her own throne in her own palace, as a happy mother of children.

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Social Distancing Is Not a Guarantee of Spiritual Collapse

A woman experienced twelve years of social distancing. Not twelve days or months, but twelve long years. That’s over 4,000 days of isolation. I cannot even imagine. Probably seemed like forever to her. Quarantined. Alone. Avoided. Rebuffed. And a guarantee of a collapsed faith, or, at least a prescription for a religious dropout, right? We wouldn’t be accused of being too hasty or off the mark if we expected such. But let’s examination those expectations. I invite you to observe the impact of long-term social distancing in the case of a woman.

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