Sunday, November 1, 2020
Worship through Song
Sing to the King
There is a Fountain
I Will Trust My Savior Jesus
How Deep the Father’s Love for Us
A Mighty Fortress
Kids’ Teaching
Joshua & Obedience
"What is the Unpardonable Sin?" || Luke 12:10-12
+ Rejecting Jesus can be forgiven, but denouncing the Holy Spirit's direct witness (through us) about Jesus will not be forgiven. This type of rejection is unforgivable (Lk 12:10). The response by the Sanhedrin to Stephen illustrates this in action (Acts 7).
+ When we are called to defend our faith, we have no cause to fear because the Holy Spirit will take control of what needs to be said (Lk 12:11-12). Paul's defense to King Agrippa and Governor Festus in Acts 26 illustrates this in action.
Put this tool in your tool kit and be prepared to use it to reassure the person God brings into your path who may fear he/she has committed the unpardonable sin - a groundless fear.
Comfort, confidence, and compassion: Our Master will not forsake us, or abandon us, or fail us in our hour of need. This truth brings comfort and confidence for the rest of our journey.
The Holy Spirit is never tardy or late, but always right on time to help us. He is ever-present, ever-aware, ever-timely, and ever-knowing. He knows what we are experiencing, and is prepared, whatever the hour, to assist us.
Sunday, October 25, 2020
Worship through Song
The Love of the Father
What Joy
I Will Trust My Savior Jesus
Yet Not I but through Christ in Me
Kids’ Teaching
Daniel & Friends
Which Court of Opinion Do We Value the Most? || Luke 12:8-9
I. Jesus will be our advocate if we acknowledge Him before people.
II. Jesus will be our prosecutor if we maintain a lifestyle of disowning Him.
In everyone’s life there will come some moments - not everyday, not every conversation, not real often - but there will come some moments when you will know in your heart you need to speak up and stand for what is right and for Christ. When those moments come, you may feel alone - but you are not. You are not alone, you are not out of His sight, and He will give you the strength, grace, and all that you need for that moment.
Be aware that you set an example for your children and others who look up to you.
Sunday, October 11, 2020
Worship through Song
Come Ye Sinners
The Love of the Father
Only a Holy God
Jesus, Strong and Kind
Christ Our Hope in Life and Death
Kids’ Teaching
Noah & Trusting God
“Overcoming the Fear of People” || Luke 12:1-7
CAUTION: Jesus warns us not to hide what we truly believe about Him.
CURE: The fear of God is the cure for the fear of man.
· The church must stand not against government or culture but apart from it, in order to maintain independence, enabling her to speak prophetically and point the culture towards the truth when it is drifting.
· As a culture grows more secular and distances itself away from God and His moral values and view of life, the pressure to hide what we believe will increase for Jesus’ disciples.
· When we fear God and truly see Him in His greatness, and know that He values us, we can live our lives without being controlled by the expectations of other people.
Sunday, October 4, 2020
Worship through Song
Christ Our Glory
Good and Gracious King
There is a Fountain Filled with Blood
Jesus, Strong and Kind
Be Thou My Vision
Kids’ Teaching
Two Parables
“When Church Leaders Lose Focus of What’s Important” || Luke 11:37-52
Jesus denounced Israel’s religious leaders because they used outward rituals and ceremonies to cover up greed and self-promotion.
Jesus denounced Israel’s religious rule-makers who took away the key to knowledge, keeping people ignorant of the truth of the Scriptures by silencing God’s mouthpieces, the Prophets, and creating an artificial and compassionless legalism for people.
Your Christian reputation, church involvement, outward words or works, will only be denounced by Jesus if they are covering a heart of greed and self- promotion.
Jesus used stern reproof with misguided religious leaders because He knew they were headed for judgement and, in love, He wanted to get their attention before it was too late. As church leaders, we may have to do the same.
What can leaders do to make sure that our people have the key to knowledge to day?
Savor hearing God’s voice
Focus on the hardcore words of God
Emphasize the majors—love of God and justice. But don’t forget the minors—love people generously, in-and outside the church
As leaders, regularly evaluate our hearts, cultivate a life that is congruent, being more concerned with what God sees than what man sees.
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Worship through Song
What Joy
Fairest Lord Jesus
Jesus, Strong and King
Thou Lovely Source of True Delight
Not in Me
Kids’ Teaching by Ms. Jenae
Mustard Seed
“Hoarding Faith and Finances Prevents Faith and Growth” || Luke 11:33-36
I. Jesus teaches us to cultivate an honest mind because it is necessary to increasingly grasp and believe the evidence about him.
II. Character deficiencies and self-protecting attitudes hijack your ability to believe and grow
III. Acts 13:44-51 Acts 14:8-20 Acts 18:12-13
Some Jewish people were willing to accept the message of Jesus until they realized it was open to all. Then they chose to reject the gospel rather than lose their exclusive place as the people of God.
IV. Acts 16 Acts 19
Some Gentiles were interested in the message of Jesus. But when the power of the Gospel changed lives and resulted in lost income for them, they chose to reject it.
· A measuring stick of growth seems to be increased conformity to the generosity of God.
· Let’s strive to be known as a church that is generous to those both within and without our doors.
· Let’s evaluate our own hearts and minds for attitudes of entitlement, greed or jealousy. Those are the attitudes that prevent us from believing truth and growing in Christ.
· Let’s use increasing conformity to the generosity of God to evaluate our own growth. Let’s strive to be generous in opening our lives to those on the outside.
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Worship through Song
A Mighty Fortress
Build My Life
Christ Our Hope in Life and Death
Be Thou My Vision
Speak, O Lord
Kids’ Teaching by Ms. Jenae
“Clear Eyes, Honest Hearts” || Luke 11:29-33
+ Clear Eyes and Honest Minds are needed to understand and accept Jesus’ claims.
+ Jesus encourages us to cultivate an honest mind and heart so that we can increasingly grasp and acknowledge the evidence about Him.
· We should approach the Scripture with an honest hear, and an open mind, a mind of integrity, willing to allow solid evidence to determine the meaning, regardless of our preconceived ideas.
· We must intentionally cultivate and maintain an honest heart with God. When we recognize anger, resentment, or disappointment growing in our heart, share it with Him. Make things right.
Sunday, September 13, 2020
Worship through Song
For the Cross
Saved My Soul
Come Ye Sinners
Yet Not I But through Christ in Me
The Wonderful Cross
Kids’ Teaching by Ms. Jenae
Trusting in God
“The Price of Indifference” || Luke 11:29-32
+ Jesus labeled His generation as evil because they wanted to see spectacular signs but were indifferent to God’s word.
+ Jesus’ generation will be condemned at the judgment because they were indifferent to His word and they failed to repent and believe in Him.
Do we recognize the privileges we enjoy?
What is it we are attracted to or interested in?
How would Jesus describe us?
Let’s take advantage of God’s astonishing mercy.
Sunday, September 6, 2020
Worship through Song
In Tenderness
Christ Our Glory
Come Ye Sinners
The Precious Blood
Kids’ Teaching by Ms. Jenae
The Son of God
“Why Reformation without Regeneration is Inadequate” || Luke 11:24-28
+ Reformation from evil ways without regeneration by the Holy Spirit is dangerously inadequate for us. 11:24-26
+ Spiritual relationship with Jesus, not a physical relationship, is the source of superior blessedness. 11:27-28
· God’s redemptive plan that is for us to gain a relationship with Him, to restore us to paradise and fresh access to the tree of life, and the place of blessing, depends upon our listening to His word. The word of His Son.
· We need Jesus as more than a friend. We need Him as a Savior, a sin-bearer, a high priest, a ruling king, and a speaking prophet. We need a stronger man inside us to guard us all the way home.
· You may have sunk pretty low. But there is hope for you with a fresh encounter with Jesus. Run to Him.
Sunday, August 30, 2020
Worship through Song
For the Cross
Fairest Lord Jesus
Good and Gracious King
Yet Not I but through Christ in Me
Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone)
Kids’ Teaching by Ms. Jenae
Jesus is God
“Jesus’ Power Over Disabilities” || Luke 11:14-23
+ Jesus’ enemies foolishly accuse Him of expelling a mute demon by the power of Satan. (11:14-16)
+ Jesus demonstrates that the expulsion, His victory over the mute demon, is proof that God’s finger has touched Him ad that nGod’s Kingdom has broken through to them. (11:17-23)
Recognize the initiative God took to free us and open your mouth to thank Him for it. Can a genuine believer remain mute?
The peace of prison is no peace at all.
Jesus set free men and women like Barnabas, Philip, Mary Magdala, Aquila and Priscilla and gave them to the church as gifts to equip His people to do the work of ministry. Once prisoners, now gifts. He is still doing this today.
Whose side are you on?
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Worship through Song
The Love of the Father
What Joy
Fairest Lord Jesus
Jesus, Thank You
May the Mind of Christ, My Savior
Kids’ Teaching by Ms. Jenae
Not “Me First”
“Good Gifts from Our Father’s Trustworthy Heart” || Luke 11:11-13
+ We can come to our Father with confidence, assured that He will always give us gifts that are good for us.
+ We can come to our Father with confidence and assurance that He will give us the best gift of all, the Holy Spirit.
If you struggle with anxiety or fear, make a practice of focusing on the good heart of your Father and His posture of love and generosity toward you. He knows your needs and gives you good gifts. You are safe with Him.
If you haven’t already, begin a two-way conversation of prayer with your loving, trustworthy, generous, and safe Father.
Ask Him to send the Spirit to those you know who don’t know Him as Father — to regenerate them and them real, true life in Christ.
Evaluate your own heart. Is it like your heavenly Father’s? Can your children—and others—trust you for kindness, patience, and mercy? Resolve to become more like Him.
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Worship through Song
A Mighty Fortress
10,000 Reasons
My Hope is Built
Thou Lovely Source of True Delight
Kids’ Teaching by Ms. Jenae
Not “Me First”
“Desperate Cases” || Luke 11:5-10
+ Jesus teaches us to approach his Father with Shameless Boldness, refusing to take no for an answer.
+ Jesus teaches us that we will be answered when we maintain a shameless approach and do not give up.
Bring your despair to your Father. Pound on the door expressing your emotions, knowing your Father loves you, hears you, and cares about how you feel.
Why do we have to keep on asking?
+ Sometimes God has us come to the end of our resources, discover our weakness and limitations before He answers us. His reason is still full of mystery and unanswered questions.
+ Satan resists our prayers. A battle is taking place that we can’t see. Satan can resist, but he can’t hinder our prayers permanently. Keep praying. Don’t give up!
The seriousness of our need/request is shown by our relentless, door pounding confidence that our Father hears us.
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Worship through Song
All Creatures of Our God and King
Build My Life
Yet Not I But through Christ in Me
Dear Refuge of My Weary Soul
Kids’ Teaching by Ms. Jenae
Jesus Is…
“Learning to Talk to Our Father” || Luke 11:1-4
+ The starting point for our learning to speak to our Father is Jesus' own habitual practice of prayer.
+ The starting issue for speaking to our Father is to place His interests/Kingdom agenda at the forefront of our concern.
+ The Father wants to hear about our interests and concerns.
This prayer is not a petrified formula, but a flexible, basic outlook and orientation for our talking to our Father.
We can confidently approach God because He has demonstrated His desire for us to be His children.
The highest goals and gifts that God has planned for our journey will not come automatically or unthinkingly. We must choose them very deliberately.
Sunday, August 2, 2020
Worship through Song
Sing to the King
Christ Our Glory
Thou Lovely Source of True Delight
Speak, O Lord
Kids’ Teaching by Ms. Jenae
The Good Shepherd
“The Supreme Necessity: A Sister Dispute” || Luke 10:38-42
I. First Scene — Distraction: Mary sat at Jesus’ feet, intently listening to His words, and was criticized by her distracted sister.
II. Second Scene — Clarification: Jesus interpreted Mary’s choice to listen to Him as the better dish, the only one really needed at the table of life.
Persuasion: Listening to Jesus is Life’s Supreme Necessity, our Top Priority
Choose: Like Mary, We Must Choose to listen to the words of Jesus.
Help is Available: If you want help to get started, there are folks who can help you, equip you, train you in order to make it a joy and a source of excitement as well as strength.
Sunday, July 26, 2020
Worship in Song
What Joy (Psalm 146)
Only a Holy God
Thou Lovely Source of True Delight
His Mercy is More
Kids’ Teaching by Ms. Jenae
“The Good Soil”
“The Human Race is our Neighbor" || Luke 10:25-37
+ Jesus assures a religious lawyer that loving God entirely and one's own neighbor is a path to life. (10:25-28)
+ Jesus defines loving one's neighbor as seeking good for all people (and any type of person) whom God puts on our path.
Who is my neighbor?
Your family. Care for them.
Driving to work or school: the motorists you encounter are your neighbors - momentarily. Take their safety into consideration as you drive.
School / work - students, little guys and girls, poor ones, immigrants, annoying ones, ones with quirks, your boss, co-workers, employees are your neighbors.
Lunch: everyone you meet on the path there and back.
Ministry: people you minister to are your neighbors.
We can't change the world or the culture or the nation or the city. We can think globally or nationally, but we must act locally. Start small. Start simple. Pray for God's guidance. Get involved. Keep going. Set an example for children to watch and emulate. Keep loving the neighbors that Jesus keeps putting into your path. NEVER QUIT.
Sunday, July 19, 2020
Kids’ Teaching by Ms. Jenae
Who wrote the Bible?
“Privileged Eyes, Happy Eyes” || Luke 10:21-24
+ Jesus rejoiced that God, in His sovereignty, revealed truth to intellectual infants.
+ Being privileged to see and hear God's truth should bring great joy!
Sunday, July 12, 2020
Kids’ Teaching by Ms. Jenae
Knowing Jesus
Worship in Song
Oh for a Thousand Tongues
Christ Our Hope in Life and Death
On Jordan’s Stormy Banks
How Sweet and Aweful is This Place
Let Us Love and Sing and Wonder
“The Distress of Jesus’ Heart” || Luke 10:13-16
+ Jesus expresses profound distress over the unqualified disaster awaiting unrepentant cities.
+ Jesus explains that rejection of Him and His message is tantamount to rejection of God.
1. God takes His Son seriously. Jesus took the gospel seriously. We should take our Christian faith seriously.
2. We also should have concern and compassion for those facing an eternity without Christ.
Sunday, July 5, 2020
Kids’ Teaching by Ms. Jenae
He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands
Worship in Song
A Mighty Fortress is Our God
Only a Holy God
Christ Our Hope in Life and Death
How Sweet and Aweful is This Place
“The End of the Story” || Luke 10:17-20
+ Satan's future defeat is guaranteed by Jesus.
+ Your future place in heaven is guaranteed by Jesus.
1. Are you enrolled as a citizen in heaven?
2. Love the Lord, live your whole life, serve your neighbor, fight the good fight until your very last breath, with absolute confidence. We know the end of the story.
Sunday, June 28, 2020
Kids’ Teaching by Ms. Jenae
Being in God’s Family
Worship in Song
Build My Life
Christ Our Glory
There is a Fountain Filled with Blood
Jesus, Thank You
Let Us Love and Sing and Wonder
"The High Cost for Farming for Jesus - Advanced Warning || Luke 10:1-12
+Jesus sent out workers on a risky mission with an urgent message that God’s kingdom was close.
+Jesus required his workers to warn that those who reject the message will be liable at the judgment
Don’t Hide the Warning; communicate the whole message.
Is the Lord of the Harvest Calling You to work in His harvest field?
Be involved. Make an eternal difference in this world. Passing through? Make a difference for the Kingdom of God.
Understand the Hardness of the Human Heart.
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Kids’ Teaching by Ms. Jenae
The Gospels
Worship in Song
Saved My Soul
Sing to the King
Christ Our Glory
Take My Life
Be Thou My Vision
"Jesus Recruits Under No False Pretenses" || Luke 9:57-62
+Mistake #1: Making an impulsive decision without considering the uncertainties of life in Christ. (vs. 57-58)
+ Mistake #2: Making a decision to follow Jesus with conflicting priorities (vs.59-60).
+ Mistake #3: Making a decision to follow Jesus with a divided mind. (vs. 61-62)
Although nurturing our children and doing what is necessary to maintain godly family relationships is a God-given priority, it is possible to be sinfully selfish about my family, and wrongfully exalt my family over God’s kingdom purposes.
Tell the truth/Sing the truth/Live the truth: Don’t leave out the difficulties of obedience to Christ’s commands in order to entice people to make a decision for Christ.
There is a difference between interest in Jesus and a faith commitment to Him. Jesus demands more than interest on the part of his disciples. He expects a commitment rooted in trust.
Is Jesus calling us to reorder our priorities, loyalties, or commitments?
Sunday, June 14, 2020
Kids’ Teaching by Ms. Jenae
Trust the Word of God.
Worship in Song
In Tenderness
Everlasting God
God of Wonders
His Mercy is More
Take My Life and Let it Be
"Jesus' View of Retaliation" || Luke 9:51-56
+ While moving toward His ascension to glory, Jesus was insulted by the Samaritans.
+ The disciples' suggestion to retaliate earned a rebuke from Jesus.
•We should expect to be insulted and rejected by some people. Honesty requires us to admit that we have also insulted and hurt others.
•Refuse to get even. Leave room for God’s wrath.
•Wounded pride is the chief cause of retaliation. Ask God for help and He will help you.
Sunday, June 7, 2020
Kids’ Teaching by Ms. Jenae
Wisdom from God’s Word.
Worship in Song
Oh for a Thousand Tongues to SingIn Tenderness
Only a Holy God
His Mercy is More
Speak, O Lord
"Who is the Greatest?" || Luke 9:46-48
+ Sickness--Jesus' disciples, due to petty, self-conceit, were preoccupied with being considered most important.
+ Cure--Jesus provided a cure for their sickness by explaining that even the least, the children, are important because they represent Him.
There are no unimportant people. Every single human being is equally important, and of great value to God, from the lowest in our eyes to the highest.
One of the ways you can put Jesus’ principle into practice is by ministering to the least of these in our culture.
Jesus trained and equipped fishermen, tax collectors - people considered nobodies in the culture. His life’s actions and teaching were congruent.
As future leaders in Jesus’ church, let us seriously pray for genuine humility and the spirit of a little child. And if we need help, ask for it. God will supply.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Kids’ Sunday Teaching by Ms. Jenae
"Stick it in Your Ears" || Luke 9:43b-45
+ Jesus emphatically instructs His disciples that although people were applauding His miracles today-He would soon be betrayed into the hands of the people.
+ Despite Jesus' emphasizing the importance of their anticipating His coming betrayal--the disciples failed to grasp the meaning of His words and remained unprepared.
Examining and Trashing False Assumptions
False Assumption 1: Being amazed by Christian talent, power, giftedness is the reflection of a godly heart. The display of talent, giftedness, and power changes peoples’ hearts.
False Assumption 2 : We are entitled to a life without hardship, pain, or suffering, and fairness, and justice.
False Assumption 3: Christian People will always act like Christian people.
2. Suffering did not take Jesus by surprise. He knew it was coming. He knew that suffering and the cross was the path he had to walk to reach glory. The cross was an expression of the wisdom of God.
3. Deal Patiently with Beginners in Discipleship:
Jesus endured the weaknesses of his disciples and did not give up on them. They failed to understand simple things. But they had faith enough to take up their cross and follow Jesus. Grace is better than gifts.
Worship in song!
What Joy (Psalm 146)
Christ Our Hope in Life and Death
Build My Life
There is a Fountain Filled with Blood
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Worship in song!
Saved My Soul
O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing
Christ Our Hope in Life and Death
Build My Life
"The Challenge of Parenting in a Culture of Unbelief" || Luke 9:37-43
+In a culture of unbelief, good parents can lose their children.
+ Even in a faithless generation, good parents can regain their children by bringing them to Jesus.
Takeaways for Today
All parents face a challenge today. The mainstream Christian culture does not reflect the Christianity that Jesus lived and taught. Your children will sense that contradiction. Parents will need to practice a genuine New Testament Christianity and help their children discern the difference.
2. If you are a disappointed parent - don’t give up hope. Jesus takes a special interest in children and the young. He is still alive and hears your prayers. As long as your child is alive you don’t have reason to despair. Your timetable is not the same as His. Keep praying and loving them.
3. Have you been wounded, disillusioned, beaten down by circumstances, people, disappointments? Listen to Jesus. He says, “Come to Me”.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Worship in song!
God of Wonders
The Love of the Father
"A Glimpse of Our Final Home" || Luke 9:28-36, Part 2
+Jesus provides His disciples with a glimpse of their final home, their final destination, the kingdom of God.
+ Jesus Himself is the key that opens the door to their final home.
Takeaways for Today’s Disciples
1. Listen to Jesus. He has walked this way before. He knows the way and has already arrived to our final home. He has experienced the same difficulties and challenges and identifies with our struggles along the journey.
2. Don’t give up hope on the journey. Knowing what our final destination is like makes the trials along the way worth it. Our suffering is not without purpose. It will be worth it all.
3. Look forward to the future with confidence - not fear or worry. The best is yet to come.
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Worship in song with the worship team! View the lyrics by clicking here.
Saved My Soul
Build My Life
Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery
On Jordan’s Stormy Banks I Stand
"Foretaste of Heaven-The 'Chinook' in Luke" || Luke 9:28-36
+ Eyes: Jesus' inner three apostles were eyewitnesses of God's kingdom.
+ Ears: Jesus' inner three disciples were “earwitnesses” to God's voice honoring Jesus His Son.
We can have confidence OF the reality of HEAVEN, our future home, our final destination.
We can have comfort knowing that the Cross, although a tragic miscarriage of justice, was an integral part of God’s redemptive program. Moses and Elijah knew it was coming. Jesus knew it was coming. All of heaven knew it was coming. It was no mistake.
Having hope that the best is yet to come gives us strength for our difficult journey here.
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Worship in song with the worship team! View the lyrics by clicking here.
Build My Life
Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery
Let Us Love and Sing and Wonder
Dear Refuge of My Weary Soul
"Our Emotions — Shaped by Eternity" || Luke 9:25-26
+Jesus assures would-be disciples that by choosing control of their own lives they might gain the world, but forfeit their own selves.
+ What good will it be if you focus all of your energy on this life and gain all you want in this world, but lose everything and even yourself in the end—in eternity?
+ When the world is more important to us than Jesus, the world's opinion of us becomes our master. What is the symptom of this? It is being ashamed of Jesus.
1. Resolve today: Fear God - not the opinions of people.
2. What is revealed when we fear the opinion of people? The treasure of our heart. What do we value the most?
3. Value your soul. It is your insurance policy for eternity.
Sunday, April 19, 2020
Worship in song with the worship team! View the lyrics by clicking here.
Saved My Soul
Let Us Love and Sing and Wonder
On Jordan’s Stormy Banks I Stand
“Cross Your Heart,” Luke 9:23-24
+ If you want to follow Jesus you have to deny your selfishness and daily follow His plan for your life rather than yours.
+Following Jesus this way always leads to life.
1. We can expect the process of self-denial to be a lifetime challenge.
2. Your closest relationships are often the tools God has given you to promote and move you forward in the process of self-denial and sanctification. Ex: Siblings, parents, spouse, children, employment.
3. Is there a selfish desire you have ignored that is creating pain for those close to you?
Sunday, April 19, 2020
Worship in song with the worship team! View the lyrics by clicking here.
Saved My Soul
Christ Our Hope in Life and Death
On Jordan’s Stormy Banks I Stand
“Confidence in the Guiding Hand of History,” Luke 9:21-22
+ Jesus taught His disciples that His rejection and death were preplanned and not a mistake.
+ Jesus assures His disciples that His resurrection after three days was also preplanned and certain.
We can have unshakable confidence in God and His hand in history.
We can have that same unshakable confidence in the Scriptures that accurately foreshadow the death and resurrection of Christ.
We can have unshakable confidence in God’s presence and guidance in our lives even through inevitable storms and losses.
Easter Sunday, April 12, 2020
Christa Stephens leads our children in celebrating Easter in song!
Jenae Benton teaches an Easter lesson for the children!
Worship in Song with the worship team:
In Christ Alone
Low in the Grave He Lay (Christ Arose)
Christ Our Hope in Life and Death
Hallelujah! What a Savior
It is Well with My Soul
"Sweetwater,” Exodus 15:22-27
+ The New Testament is unified in its testimony that after death on a tree, Jesus came up out of the ground on the third day.
+ The Old Testament is unified in its testimony that trees are redemptive and that the Messiah would come up out of the ground on the third day.
Sunday, April 5, 2020
Worship through Song — NEW this week is a recording done by some of the members of our worship band! We hope that this more personal recording (vs artists' youtube videos) will be helpful to the Redeemer Bible Family for engaging in singing together while we're physically apart! Please sing aloud in your homes, with us, to our Savior!
Click Here to Open the Worship Lyrics
In Tenderness
Christ Our Glory
Great is Thy Faithfulness
It is Well
The Question of Paramount Importance, Luke 9:18-20
+ After praying, Jesus took the trouble to get His disciples to review the culture's opinions about His identity. (vs. 9:18-19)
+ Jesus' disciples formally confessed Him as Messiah in full knowledge of other opinions and contradictions. (vs. 9:20)
1. It’s important to Cultivate an atmosphere of study - in our homes and in our churches.
2. Let’s Fight the Urge to Follow Popular Religious Trends and Gimmicks simply because everyone else is doing it.
3. Pray, by confidently asking the Father to open people’s minds to the truth about Jesus.
Sunday, March 29th, 2020
Worship through Song
What Joy (Psalm 146)
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
Yet Not I but Through Christ in Me
It Is Well with My Soul
“How Jesus Enlarges Our Inadequate Views of Himself,” Luke 9:10-17
* Jesus exposes His disciples' inadequate view of His power to feed the new nation. (vs. 9:10-14a)
* Jesus demonstrates His divine power to feed and satisfy the new nation. (vs. 9:14b-17)
•Jesus exposed His apostles’ inadequate view of His power to supply their needs. Is He doing that right now with you?
•Jesus is still calling men and women to feed His people. Is He calling you?
•Citizenship in this new nation is open to all. Join it today. God hasn’t built a wall.
Sunday, March 22nd, 2020
Worship through Song
Christ Our Glory
The Love of the Father
In Christ Alone
Great is Thy Faithfulness
The Important Role of Dust, Luke 9:1-10
The Briefing: The disciples’ Proclamation of God’s Kingdom made Israel accountable for what they heard. 9:1-5
The Response: The Proclamation of God’s Kingdom created confusion about Jesus’ true identity and a desire to see Him. 9:6-10
Takeaways for today’s teachers and listeners:
To all who teach, communicate, make disciples: don’t take meager results personally.
Some men and women will use Christian ministry for their own selfish ends and purposes.
Teaching and Proclamation, along with good works, are God’s chosen instruments for doing good for the souls of men, women, boys and girls.
Jesus is to be the center of our ministry and our teaching. Other things are important: social justice, morality, etc. But the main thing about the kingdom of God is the question about the true identity of Jesus, the King.
How the nuisance of dust can encourage us: dust is a witness that God’s kingdom will triumph.
Sunday, March 15th, 2020
Worship through Song
Jesus Paid it All
10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)
Build My Life
My Hope is Built/Solid Rock
Speak, O Lord
This Week’s Sermon: “Correctly Interpreting the Signs of the Times,” from Luke 12:54-13:9
Weekday activities for this week have been canceled, including Kids’ Club and Women’s Group
Please call or email your elder or Pastor Tim if you have any needs or if you feel you should stay home due to health concerns.
Some of the things we would love to help you with if you are quarantined or unwell:
Can we help with shopping? Let us know...
Can we help with collecting prescriptions?
How can we help? Send us an email or text.
How can you help? If you would like to be on a list to respond to needs, let us know.
Our focus remains steady and sure. We are confident that God is with us and that we can be a light to our neighborhoods.