Posts tagged corona virus
How Covid-19 Helps Us Understand the True Nature of Sin

Teaching children, disciples, or students about the doctrine of original sin and its entrance into the human race can prove to be a challenge. Sin has been defined as “missing the mark,” a rather innocuous way of describing a phenomenon so lethal that it brings death to the entire human race. But Covid-19 turns our attention to an ancient analogy provided long ago in Scripture. We’ve overlooked it. But a fresh examination of this ancient analogy will help us understand the deadly nature of sin and prepare us for Jesus Christ.

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Social Distancing Is Not a Guarantee of Spiritual Collapse

A woman experienced twelve years of social distancing. Not twelve days or months, but twelve long years. That’s over 4,000 days of isolation. I cannot even imagine. Probably seemed like forever to her. Quarantined. Alone. Avoided. Rebuffed. And a guarantee of a collapsed faith, or, at least a prescription for a religious dropout, right? We wouldn’t be accused of being too hasty or off the mark if we expected such. But let’s examination those expectations. I invite you to observe the impact of long-term social distancing in the case of a woman.

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