Posts tagged Mary
Is There an Obstacle in Your Path?

You facing giant-sized obstacles in your path? It is easy to be discouraged, even hopeless, when we encounter roadblocks. It’s tempting to just quit and give up trusting God. But perhaps if we view these barriers from another perspective, our attitude might change and hope could refresh our drooping spirits. Let’s focus on the perspective that the Bible provides.

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Luke Loves Dual Portraits

I’ve spent a number of years at the post-graduate level analyzing Luke’s two-volume Luke-Acts. I’ve observed that, among many other astonishing techniques, Luke consistently pairs two people together in order for us to compare. He creates dual portraits for us to gain insight into how two different people respond to God’s revelation, to hardship, or to temptation. And knowing the biases against women in the first century, what is surprising is that the dual portrait consists of a man and a woman.

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