Posts tagged Covid-19
How Covid-19 Helps Us Understand the True Nature of Sin

Teaching children, disciples, or students about the doctrine of original sin and its entrance into the human race can prove to be a challenge. Sin has been defined as “missing the mark,” a rather innocuous way of describing a phenomenon so lethal that it brings death to the entire human race. But Covid-19 turns our attention to an ancient analogy provided long ago in Scripture. We’ve overlooked it. But a fresh examination of this ancient analogy will help us understand the deadly nature of sin and prepare us for Jesus Christ.

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Should Churches Defy or Comply With Government Restrictions for Covid-19?

Defiance or compliance?

Is compliance with government restrictions regarding Covid-19 on church gatherings disobedience to the commands of God? Should churches defy local restrictions and gather together for worship as they have in the past? Some high-profile leaders answer with a strong, “yes.” Compliance with government constitutes disobedience to Jesus the Lord of the church. Is that strong, defiant position correct? Or, are there other considerations that need to be addressed? Should churches defy or comply?

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