Posts tagged serpent
A Diet of Dust

Dust is an enemy to clean freaks. The need to dust just seems never to stop. Everything stationary seems to collect dust. Where does it come from? And how can the presence of dust be an encouragement to us? There is an answer. When the LORD God handed down a judicial sentence to the serpent in Genesis 3, he said:

Cursed are you as none of the livestock and as none of the animals. You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life. Genesis 3:14 . So, how does this curse of eating dust encourage us? Glad you asked. Read on.

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Seed of the Serpent and the Seed of the Woman

Have you ever considered why the tallest men in First Samuel were decapitated? Why did the tallest guys lose their heads? Off with their heads! Well, the biblical author is making a theological point that we must not miss. He is showing us how one of the greatest promises ever made by God in Scripture is fulfilled. They lose their heads so that we do no lose hope.

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Did God Create Evil?

If everything that the LORD God made was good (טֹ֖וב), beneficial and helpful to humanity, evaluated as such by His own mind (Genesis 1:31), then how are we to understand that one of His creatures—the serpent--was crafty? The term “crafty” is naturally understood as a negative trait. How, then, can we evaluate something negative as positive, as “good”? Did a good God create evil?

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Tim ColeGenesis 3:1, serpent, Satan, evil, devil