Posts tagged fruit
Trees Show Our Changing Relationship to God

You looking for fresh material for a group or individual Bible study? Then why not consider something that is actually textually based, programmatic of the entire Bible, shows the inherent unity of Scripture, sharpens your Inductive Bible Study[1] skills, and best of all, leads you to Jesus Christ.

[1] Inductive Bible Study follows the natural way that Scripture is composed, frees one up from the crutches of using a Q/A format, and allows the context of the passage to guide one’s understanding. Learn the three steps: Observation, Interpretation, and Application. Throw away those crutches.

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Uprooted Trees, Infertile Women

To the average reader of the Bible, there is no connection between fruit trees and human beings, much less the subject of uprooted fruit trees and infertile women. The two issues don’t even seem remotely close. But in actuality, we are portrayed as fruit trees in countless Scripture passages, from the beginning to the end of Scripture. It is a unifying theme of the Bible. So, it should be no surprise at all that the issue of infertility—a key subject matter in both Old and New Testaments—is intentionally connected to trees, uprooted trees. Let me show that connection.

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