Posts tagged Seed of the serpent
Did Esau Despise His Birthright or The Birthright?

Most English translations indicate that Esau despised his birthright (Genesis 25:34). But in actuality, the Hebrew Bible, the Bible that Jesus read, studied, and quoted, expresses something different. It takes us in a different direction, one firmly anchored in the larger story of God’s redemption. The Hebrew Bible reads, “Esau despised THE birthright.” What birthright is THE birthright?

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Cain and Saul: Seed of the Serpent

Cain and Saul—representatives of the seed of the woman, display anger, jealousy, envy, and homicidal tendencies toward men who are depicted as forerunners of the ultimate seed of the woman, Jesus Christ (Genesis 3:15). The first man, Cain, displays his connection to the serpent at worship. The second character, Saul, displays his serpent characteristics at home.

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