"Why Has God Given Us So Many Girls at RBC?" 1 Tim. 2:11-12
12.11.22 - "Believe What We Hear, Not What We See," Genesis 3:1-7
1 Timothy, Women in Church, GenesisTim ColeWomen in church, Women as teachers, women in worship, women learn in silence, 1 Timothy, 1 Timothy 2, Genesis 3, The Fall, The Serpent
12.4.22 - "Women Welcoming the Word," 1 Timothy 2:11
11.27.22 - "The Investigation of Women Teaching," 1 Timothy 2:11-15 & Colossians 3:16
11.20.22 - "Are We Concerned with Looking Good or Doing Good?" 1 Timothy 2:9-10
"Men, Let's Pray, Not Argue" || I Timothy 2:8
October 31, 2021: "Israel’s Coup Against God” || Luke 20:9-19
October 24, 2021: Be a Peacemaker, Matthew 5:1-12
October 17, 2021: Jesus Rebels against Established Religious Authorities, Luke 20:1-8