February 14, 2021: Refusing to Change When We Know It's the Right Thing to Do, Luke 14:1-6

Worship through Song

Saved My Soul

Reformation Song

Come Praise and Glorify

Nothing But the Blood

Kids’ Teaching with Ms. Jenae

God’s Faithful Love

Refusing to Change When We Know It’s the Right Thing to Do || Luke 14:1-6

+The Pharisee’s silent response to Jesus’ question about the Sabbath shows that they have refused to accept His teaching about the Sabbath.

+The Pharisee’s silent response to Jesus’ question shows that they know He is right, but they refuse to accept His teaching because of their self-righteousness and pride.


+We all have traditions and preferences.  But evaluate yours. Do you cling to any traditions or preferences when they collide with God’s truth?

+Does it seem like God continues to try to get your attention about a certain issue?  Listen to Him. 

+Don’t let pride and stubbornness and self-righteousness keep you from admitting when you are wrong.

+If you’ve been called to be a prophet to the church, you have a very important role to play. You’re not called to be successful, but to be faithful. The church needs to hear your voice.  

Tim Cole