Redeemer Bible Church

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January 31, 2021: Knock Now Before the Banquet Begins

Worship through Song

In Tenderness

On Jordan’s Stormy Banks

The Precious Blood

How Sweet and Aweful is This Place

Kids’ Teaching with Ms. Jenae


Knock Now Before the Banquet Begins || Luke 13:22-30

+When the heavenly banquet begins, many will want to enter but will be refused:  the time to knock on the door is now (vv. 22-25).

+ People will be welcomed to the banquet from all places and generations;  but there will also be many shocked to find Jesus reject them (vv. 26-30).


Our assurance of eternal life in heaven is a personal matter.  

There are some who claim Christ with their words but live a life in contradiction to those claims who will be rejected when they expect to enter heaven.

There is a day coming when the door of mercy will be closed.  Don’t presume on God’s patience.  

When God’s kingdom begins and we enter heaven, it will be a day of great rejoicing for the family of God.