Sunday, December 13, 2020: Who is This Baby, The Gospel of Luke, Acts

Worship through Song

Hark! The Herald Angels Sing

Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus

Fairest Lord Jesus

In Christ Alone

Crown Him with Many Cro

Kids’ Teaching with Ms. Jenae

Angels & Shepherds

Jesus’ Mission || Luke 12:49-53

+ The Rescuer is born. Luke 2:11

+ He reveals His mandate--He describes Himself as the Savior. Luke 4:17-21

+ He saves a pretty bad character. Luke 19:1-10

+ He saw the hopeless, the worst of the worst, in the nick of time. Luke 23:39-43

+The Rescuer defeats death--the resurrection proves He can do what He said He could do and is who He says He is. Acts 3:31-33

Tim Cole