Sermon Reflection Questions for November 10, 2019
The Quality of the Fruit Shows the Health of the Tree
Luke 6:43-45
Jesus knows our tendency for self-deception, how prone we are to live in denial about our character flaws. Our conscience, God’s deputy sheriff within us, reminds us of those flaws and the need to take action. But we are prone to dismiss, even deny its voice and pleas to change.
This is why Jesus continues to motivate us as leaders in Luke 6:43-45 to practice the art of self-evaluation and personal transformation, a topic begun in 6:37. Our Savior knows that unless we stop living in denial, our character flaws—the log in our own eye—will remain lodged there for life.
Do we really want that to define the rest of our life-story?
So, why not set aside some personal time this week to sit with our Savior.
Find a quiet place.
Slowly re-read Luke 6:27-45.
In humility, ask Jesus to identify your glaring character flaw(s).
Acknowledge what He identifies about you (materialism, racism, slander, sinful anger, envy, laziness, procrastination, entitlement, commitment to tradition over Scripture, lust, lying, theft, greed, resentment, bitterness, unforgiveness, idolatry, unbelief, fear of what people think or about you, unwillingness to admit wrong or take responsibility for sins, etc.)
Ask Him how that flaw impacts your relationships, attitudes, and interests.
Admit what He says. Refuse to be hijacked by self-deception any longer. Embrace the truth.
Then, remind yourself of the hope of change we have in the Gospel. Envision what your future relationship to God and others will look like as you change.
Then, ask someone led by the Spirit (man or woman; Galatians 6:1ff) to help you and to be accountable to in order to overcome that character flaw.
Don’t quit. Stay the course. Put self-deception in your rear-view mirror.