Posts tagged Repentance
Luke the Ghost Buster

You know the story. The haunting ghosts of Christmas past eventually persuaded cheap-skate Ebenezer Scrooge to embrace Christmas and its spirit of generosity to the needy and poor. It was the ghosts. They were the key to the radical change in Scrooge’s attitude and practice. Cute ghost story with a happy ending. Very sentimental and Christmas like. But, according to Luke’s Gospel, quite misleading and a very unhappy ending.

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Hope for the Damned

Have you denied the Savior by your lifestyle? Ever deny Him because of your concern for your image in front of friends? “What would they think of me if I refused to take part in their activity?” “What would they say about me?” Perhaps, you even cursed Jesus. Perhaps you are worried that you committed the unpardonable sin? Take hope. Failure is not final for genuine disciples of Jesus. He remains unflinchingly loyal to His own, even when they are disloyal to Him, even when they damn themselves.

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