How Can Baby Jesus be God?

How Can Baby Jesus be God?

This Christmas season, as you set up a manger scene in your home, or as you read a Christmas story, or as you teach a lesson in Sunday School or in your discipleship group, one of your children or students may ask: “how can baby Jesus be God? How can a tiny baby be God?” It’s a natural question for them to ask. You ready for it?

What Scripture passage will you take them to in order to adequately answer the question? It’s a question many others may ask you over the years. Will you be equipped to answer your kids or those inquirers who pose the question? We all want to be prepared for such a question. But are we ready? Do we have confidence that our answer is grounded in the text of Scripture? Are we prepared for Christmas 2021?

Critics will point out that in the Gospels, Matt-John, Jesus does not seem to come out and explicitly say to his detractors and enemies: “I am equal to the Father, but I am also fully human being.” While that observation is true, it is equally true that the Gospels writers use a superior and more credible method of communicating that same message of Jesus’ full identity.

Luke’s Gospel provides us will ample passages that can equip us for this pivotal question. Luke’s method of showing the divinity and humanity of Jesus is pure genius. No surprise when we consider that he wrote his two-volume work (Luke-Acts) to provide certainty about what we’ve been taught (Luke 1:1-4). We’ve been taught that Jesus is incarnate God. How can we or our children be certain that such a claim is true? We need to know that what we have been taught is well-founded.

We will unpack one such passage tomorrow morning at Redeemer Bible Church. Join us at 10:30 AM and become equipped for the questions your children, your students, your mentees, your disciples, or your family members will undoubtedly ask. Be ready. Be prepared for the great questions that come your way in Christmas 2021.