Unity in God's Household: Chosen to Be Changed || Ephesians 1:4

+ Our God and blessed Father is worthy pf our praise because He freely chose us to be His own. (vs. 1:4a)

+ God our Father freely chose us in order to change us. (vs.1:4b)


  1. Ongoing change is God’s purpose for us and is essential for everyone.

    • Change is a purpose all parents understand.

    • Marriage is a tool God uses to change us.

    • Rather than rooting our our indwelling sin. the momen we are saved, God exposes our character weaknesses, our flaws and failures, so that we learn to depend more and more on His sufficient grace, and the limitless resources of his saving power. When that happens, God receives the glory.

    • The Gospel is inspired and gives us both the message and the method for change - discipleship. Life on life.

  2. You are a valuable possession to God.

  3. God’s decision to choose you, and then change you to be conformed to the image of Christ His Son, is cause for you to bless Him and praise Him.

Tim Cole