Man's First Words are Chocolate and Peanut Butter

Modern readers of the foundational chapters of the Bible, Genesis 1-3, miss the significance of most of what is written. What appears to be quite vanilla, is actually peanut butter and chocolate.

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Genesis 2:23 is a case in point. Adam’s jubilant and poetic response to God’s construction of a woman is unique in all of the literature from the Ancient Near East. The Hebrew Bible alone elevates women to the level of equality with men and appreciates the meaning of womanhood.

Let me explain. Observe Adam’s elevated poetry: “This one at last, bone of my bones, flesh of my flesh. This one shall be called woman, for from man was this one taken.”

Adam’s words, prior to the Fall, recognized that the woman was the same in substance as himself and that human existence is a partnership of equals, man and woman. These words are peanut butter and chocolate. Why? Search through all of the literature of the Ancient Near East and you will not find a creation story that appreciates the meaning of womanhood, affirms equality with men, and defines human existence as a partnership man and woman.

Adam’s celebrative words about a woman, despite their vanilla appearance, are actually peanut butter and chocolate. Do we celebrate the women God has placed in our lives?