Your Faith Can Be Contagious

Your Faith Can Be Contagious

During these days of uncertainty, I am reminded of a mother, Monica of Hippo (N. Africa, modern day Algeria), mother of well-known Augustine. She was contagious. That’s why she comes to my mind.

Monica mother to Augustine.PNG

Monica made the long and dangerous journey from her home on the shores of North Africa to the port city of Milan (Italy) to join her son. He had just been named Imperial Rhetor in that capital city. But the journey at that time was so dangerous—due to violent storms and pirate control of the Mediterranean Sea — that even the ship’s commanders were frightened, uncertain that they would make it safely into port. But not Monica.

In his book, Confessions, Augustine tells us that while it is usually the experienced navigators aboard ship who comfort and reassure frightened passengers in mortal danger, on this voyage, it was his courageous mum who “kept up the spirits of the sailors.” Monica promised “that all the passengers aboard ship would come safely to port.” She promised. She was contagious.

Her muscular faith in Christ was contagious. It spread. Her faith unfurled like a sail all the way from the ship’s captain down to the smallest child aboard. Fear is contagious and paralyzing. But so is our faith in Jesus Christ. Faith is contagious and provides energy to the sea legs of our fellow passengers.

The ship made it safely to Milan with all the passengers. A woman of robust faith in Christ made the difference in a climate of fear and uncertainty. She was contagious.

In times of uncertainty and danger, men and women can be overcome by the epidemic of hysteria, panic, and fear. Assurance and a comforting, calm spirit can cut out the tumor of fear, steady them, and free them up from inner paralysis. It is often men and women of deep faith who can provide this antidote to fear and panic. 

In times of crisis and trial, men and women of faith can make an impact on those around them. By steady reliance and trust in God, the peace that flows from that deep trust, they can encourage other passengers aboard the ship of life to remember that Christ is with us - we are not alone. Their faith can be contagious to others shackled or paralyzed by fear, a faith anchored in the one certainty of life: the existence, sovereignty, and love of our Triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

“And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and must believe that he rewards those who diligently seek him out.” Hebrew 11:6