Luke's Portrait of Jesus

Luke’s Portrait of Jesus

 Luke is an artist. His version of the Christmas story is told not in one setting, but in five separate parts, five small paintings of Jesus, designed to be seen linked together as one large portrait.  Like a puzzle with five pieces, when fitted together, these mini-portraits give us a fuller understanding and appreciation of Jesus and the meaning of Christmas.

Luke Portrait of Jesus.jpg

 In the first account of Jesus’ birth that unfolds in Luke 2:1-20, the careful reader can see several clues signaling that there is far more to this story. 

 If we keep our eyes peeled as we read through Luke’s Gospel, we’ll encounter these same clues again and again, leading us to the message of the whole Christmas story as Luke designed it to be understood.  

 This larger picture shows us Jesus like we’ve never seen him before. Luke’s full portrait of Jesus is a masterpiece.

 We’ll examine Jesus’ full portrait in Luke’s Gospel this coming Sunday morning, December 13, 2020 at Redeemer Bible Church, 10:30 AM.

 Then, on Sunday, December 20, we’ll see how Luke continues the Old Testament story of the Ark of the Covenant in the birth of Jesus. The Ark of the Covenant is not lost. Someone needs to tell Indiana Jones.