Redeemer Bible Church

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How Would Jesus Vote?

On the eve of an important election, and in the midst of social media wars and TV shouting matches, let me commend to you a piece of election wisdom written by a good friend of mine, Dr. Darrell L. Bock, entitled, How Would Jesus Vote? Do your political positions really align with the Bible?

I commend Bock’s book to you on the basis of personal interaction with the author. Dr. Bock served as my supervisor for a Master’s Thesis in New Testament Greek at Dallas Theological Seminary (in the early 80’s) and also as one of my professors in the Ph.D. program in New Testament. He is one of the world’s leading scholars in the study of Luke-Acts.

In How Would Jesus Vote? Dr. Bock uses Scripture to interact with such hot topics as the preference for small or big government, economics and poverty, health care, immigration, gun control, race, abortion and other timely and controversial topics.


Find Dr. Bock's book here: