Sunday, November 8, 2020: What is Life All About? Luke 12:13-21

Worship through Song

How Great Thou Art

Build My Life

I Will Trust My Savior Jesus

Jesus, Strong and Kind

Kids’ Teaching by Ms. Jenae


What is Life All About? Luke 12:13-21

Jesus teaches us to guard against greed -  believing that life’s purpose is all about getting more than we need.  Rather than producing the security that we long for,  it creates idolatry. 12:13-15

Do we own our possessions or do they own us? Investing our resources into our interests rather than God’s interests is foolish because we’ll never be able to enjoy them. 12:16-21


The first step to begin investing in God’s kingdom is to entrust your eternal destiny to Him.

Rather than feeding the appetite to be rich, worrying, and grasping, replace it with a trust in our heavenly father, and a choice to be rich toward God. Use what God has given you in line with His kingdom purposes: to love God and love our neighbor.

Foster a spirit of generosity and liberality, enjoying the gift of giving to others. 

Guard against the pull of greed: invest what God has entrusted to us so it will bring a good return in light of His purpose of being glorified among the nations. Start investing what we have—our time, our hard-earned money, talents, into God’s eternal kingdom. 

God has blessed us with many things and it is legitimate to enjoy those blessings with thankful hearts.

But, let’s also think carefully about the question, “Am I really seeking first God’s kingdom?” Am I evaluating the stewardship of my life and money in light of what God is doing? Or, could the deceitfulness of riches be getting a subtle stronghold on my life?

Tim Cole