Redeemer Bible Church

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Sunday, November 22, 2020: Two Places to Invest, Luke 12:32-34

Worship through Song

The Love of the Father

What Joy

Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone)

The Precious Blood

Follow You

Ms. Jenae’s Teaching fro the Kids

What are you thankful for?

Two Places to Invest || Luke 12:32-34

It’s not a risk to give generously to God and to others: He has already decided to give us His kingdom (vs. 32).

Investing generously in the storehouse of God’s kingdom stockpiles eternal treasure for you and, shows your heart’s real interest (vv. 33-34).


If you find yourself too attached to this world, with no time for the things of God’s kingdom, you’re not alone. Consider taking Jesus’ advice. Look around. Find a cause close to God’s heart and begin investing there. Start today. Your interest and heart will follow.

If we invest only in ourselves in this life, we’ll have little eternal treasure to look forward to in the future.

Everything we give to God, we will get back. It is a guaranteed investment.

Fear can hold us back, slow us down, and paralyze our giving. Don’t allow fear to keep you from storing up treasure in heaven.