Sunday, October 4, 2020: “When Church Leaders Lose Focus of What’s Important” || Luke 11:37-52

Worship through Song

Christ Our Glory

Good and Gracious King

There is a Fountain Filled with Blood

Jesus, Strong and Kind

Be Thou My Vision

Kids’ Teaching

Two Parables

“When Church Leaders Lose Focus of What’s Important” || Luke 11:37-52

  • Jesus denounced Israel’s religious leaders because they used outward rituals and ceremonies to cover up greed and self-promotion.

  • Jesus denounced Israel’s religious rule-makers who took away the key to knowledge, keeping people ignorant of the truth of the Scriptures by silencing God’s mouthpieces, the Prophets, and creating an artificial and compassionless legalism for people.


  • Your Christian reputation, church involvement, outward words or works, will only be denounced by Jesus if they are covering a heart of greed and self- promotion.

  • Jesus used stern reproof with misguided religious leaders because He knew they were headed for judgement and, in love, He wanted to get their attention before it was too late. As church leaders, we may have to do the same.

  • What can leaders do to make sure that our people have the key to knowledge to day?

  • Savor hearing God’s voice

  • Focus on the hardcore words of God

  • Emphasize the majors—love of God and justice. But don’t forget the minors—love people generously, in-and outside the church

  • As leaders, regularly evaluate our hearts, cultivate a life that is congruent, being more concerned with what God sees than what man sees.

Justin Busby