Cultivating Gratitude
“In everything give thanks....”
Does that describe you? Or do you sometimes grumble and complain, struggling to notice and appreciate the blessings God has given you? God’s command- to be people who give thanks in everything, at all times, seems unrealistic and extreme. But like His other commands, He knows that this practice is tov, good for us.
Research shows that people are 25% happier if they keep a regular journal of gratitude. They have 20% less envy and resentment. They sleep 10% longer and wake up 15% more refreshed. Expressing thanks is good for us. Let’s work on this. Let’s become a church characterized by an attitude of gratitude. Let’s go get a journal and start filling it up with our many blessings. Let’s have some family discussions about what we are thankful for instead of who drank the last bit of orange juice.
Save and print the poster below for some discussion starters and ideas to encourage the habit of gratitude in your family in 2020.