Welcome to Redeemer Bible Church


We gather on Sundays at 10:30 at Keswick Christian School Chapel

10101 54th Ave N
Saint Petersburg, FL 33772


Note that During the week, we are not on the school campus. Instead, you can contact Pastor Cole directly at redeemerbibletc@gmail.com.


When I tried out for the Varsity Soccer team my freshman year in college, I assumed the requirements would be much like my high school athletic experience. And, since I was an MK, familiar with soccer, my attitude was “I’ve got this.” Was I wrong! I was unprepared mentally and physically for the rigor of collegiate athletics. College-level soccer required a standard of effort, seriousness, and commitment unknown at the high school level.

So, I had to make radical changes in my attitude toward try-outs if I was to actually secure a spot on the team. Coach Ted’s no-nonsense warning directed at us who took practices lightly (me) was exactly what my attitude needed.

I changed my attitude.

When Jesus called men and women to follow Him, to become leaders in His new church, He knew the requirements for leadership were not for the faint of heart, the entitled, or for those seeking popularity. Like Jesus, His leaders would challenge the sins and idolatries of the day: materialism, entitlement, racism, nationalism, judgmentalism, traditionalism, external righteousness, oppression of women, the poor, and the alien.

But God’s people, as a pattern historically, have not responded favorably to unvarnished truth. So, Jesus did not prepare His future leaders by appealing to the latest leadership techniques, cool wardrobes and speech patterns, or the latest wrinkle in staging technology.

Instead, Jesus focused on shaping their hearts (Luke 6:17-49) to become like His Father’s heart—merciful and kind, refusing to retaliate against those who mistreated them.

Jesus’ leaders, like Old Testament prophets who also spoke God’s truth undiluted, should expect to be ostracized, mistreated, and hissed off the platform by professing disciples. Not an easy road to walk and not for the entitled leaders who are offended by petty slights.

And, if Jesus’ leaders found themselves unprepared for the challenge—due to character flaws—the refining process of discipleship/apprenticeship by a master craftsman could make a radical difference. So, Jesus’ future leaders must be discipled, but also remain self-evaluative and personally transformed to maintain their effectiveness.   

What binds Jesus’ training together is a sharp focus on the heart of a leader, whether man or woman. The heart of discipleship for Jesus’ future leaders is the discipleship of the heart (Luke 6:45; Proverbs 4:23).

Tim is known for expository, verse by verse teaching of the scripture. A graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary, (THM, NT Greek, 1984), he maintained and honed his knowledge of biblical Greek teaching at the DTS Tampa extension. He earned a D.Min. …

Tim is known for expository, verse by verse teaching of the scripture. A graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary, (THM, NT Greek, 1984), he maintained and honed his knowledge of biblical Greek teaching at the DTS Tampa extension. He earned a D.Min. at Covenant Theological Seminary in 1990 and is currently a Ph.D. candidate in NT studies at University of Chester. Tim has spent 35 years of pastoral ministry dedicated to study and teaching of the word with accuracy and depth, and to discipling young men and women, equipping them for leadership and to do the work of ministry. He has a heart for juvenile delinquents, offenders, and those marginalized in our society, and has maintained a weekly ministry at a facility of the Department of Juvenile Justice for 19 years.

If he’s not studying the scriptures or discipling people, you may find him under the hood of a muscle car, hopefully a ‘71 Mach I, which he restores in his spare time. He has three sons, three beautiful granddaughters, and lives with his wife of 41 years, Michele.


Children’s ministry

Our children join with their families for the beginning of the worship service, then are dismissed before the sermon for an age appropriate lesson based on the the same passage or theme. All our children's volunteers are screened with a federal background check.