So, after comparing the differences between the actions spawned by the flesh and the fruit produced by the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5), Paul teaches the men and women in the congregation who display the characteristics of the Holy Spirit to get involved in the lives of those who have been tripped up by sin. These men and women are to restore such people.
Spirit-filled women are to restore men and women. Spirit-filled men are to restore men and women. Paul does not add restrictions as to who can restore who. The single qualification is that such a man or woman be one who is spiritual, one controlled by the Spirit, showing the fruit that the Spirit produces.
Read MoreThe context of Genesis 3:16 suggests that there was not a happy future in store for the woman. She would experience pain in childbirth, experience conflict with her husband, and suffer domination at his hands. Fallen Adam, representing fallen men, would treat her as a child, an inferior, and an unequal. In a word, he would oppress her. How, then, should we understand this prediction?
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