Why is This Happening to Me?

Are you troubled and perplexed by your present circumstance? The clash between unborn twins in Rebekah’s womb incited anguish and perplexity in her heart.

Her natural response to a difficult pregnancy was to ask,

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Why is THIS happening to me? And she went to inquire of the LORD?     

Genesis 25:20

Her question, terse in nature, is a normal and reasonable response to trouble in a family. And God answered her question (Genesis 25:23b; more on God’s specific answer to her at another time; but God directly revealed an important aspect of his redemptive program to her first).

The LORD’s answer to her anguished cry encourages us to ask God the same question in our own perplexity and troubled family circumstances. Why is THIS happening to me? Why is THIS happening to us? Then why me?

God heard Rebekah’s motherly cry and answered her. You can follow her example with your own family troubles. Go to the LORD God with your troubled circumstance, your anguish and pain and ask Him: why is THIS happening to me? Why is THIS happening to us?

God answered Rebekah and He’ll answer you too.

Thank you for reading.
