Don't Waste Your Social Distance Time

The year was 1665. The University of Cambridge temporarily closed its doors due to the deadly bubonic plague that was sweeping through Europe. Along with other faculty, professor Isaac Newton was quarantined and had to work from home. But rather than waste his social distance time in trivial pursuits, he focused his complete attention on two unfinished projects. Newton created the foundations of calculus and the theoretical underpinnings of the theory of gravity. Something about an apple falling from the tree.

Don't waste your social distance time .PNG

When he returned to the classroom, the world was a better place to live in. People better understood what made it tick. Isaac Newton didn’t waste his social distance time. Neither should we.

Do you have an unfinished project waiting to be completed? Is there a book that you need to write that will help your fellow man or woman? Is there an extra room you need to add to your house for the sake of hospitality? What about that fort you were going to build in your back yard for the kids? Isn’t it time you learned the steps of Inductive Bible Study in order to study on your own without the crutch of formal Bible studies? And what about that elderly’s neighbor’s oak tree that needs to be trimmed or ramshackle fence need to be repaired?

Newton could look in the rear-view mirror of his quarantine time with a sense of satisfaction. He made a difference. So, can you. Have an apple and think it over.

Thank you for reading.