Redeemer Bible Church

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January 10, 2021: Freedom Today, Luke 13:10-17

Worship through Song

The Love of the Father

Amazing Grace (Chains)

Yet Not I But through Christ in Me

Speak, O Lord

O for a Thousand Tongues

Kids’ Teaching with Ms. Jenae


Freedom Today || Luke 13:10-17

+ Rather than wait, Jesus intentionally freed a suffering woman from a lengthy bondage on the Sabbath Day, bring criticism rather than joy from a religious leader.

+ Jesus exposed the phonies of religious legalism pointing out that freeing people should not wait any more than animals should be kept waiting to quench their thirst.


Like Jesus, God still protests attempts to hold His people in bondage through legalism.

Jesus came to free us from bondage; He has the compassion and power to untie your chains. 

Jesus sees—He notices, is alert to—the people most in need.  He sees what others can’t see: pain, addiction, wounds that you keep hidden.  

Lasting change, freedom from bondage, is hard work for most.  It requires changing the way you think and the lies you believe.  But it is possible. 

When we have authority, be attentive to prioritize people’s needs above unnecessary rules and procedures - to cultivate an atmosphere of grace and freedom, rather than restriction.